Airfield Fuel Truck
39 13 October 2022, 17:01

These pictures start a short build report on Tamiya's comfortable US tankers; they actually look more unspectacular than they deserve: behind this condition is a preshading with black, followed by a heightening with yellow, white as well as a coat of Gunze H78 Olive Drab. Tomorrow I want to cover this with Maskol in order to apply a very diluted Tamiya H 62.
13 October 2022, 17:05

Finally, even here something is going on: the tanker is about to be completed! I have tried to achieve a " uneven ", lively paint job built up over several coats. Finally, a washing was applied with a dry brush and pastel chalks.
23 October 2022, 15:19

Finished at last! The little excursion in the direction of four wheels was a lot of fun, and who knows, the Deuze will certainly make an appearance in one or two future aircraft projects!
The following pictures are Tamiya festivities: Fuel truck, P-51 and the small tractor in one of the pictures are all from this manufacturer 🙂
26 October 2022, 14:06

Thank you very much mates! I am happy about your encouraging feedback!
27 October 2022, 10:16

Very cool looking. I'm just about to start working on this model myself and I'm planning on adding some details to it. Can you tell me if it's worth buying the Quinta set?
9 May 2023, 18:57

Hello Bartłomiej, thank you for your words! The Quinta set can be a real improvement for one area in particular: the reflectors and lights on the vehicle and the superstructure become much more realistic, the 3D decals look really great! The elements for the instrument panel are also well done, but disappear into almost complete invisibility even with the door open.
Thank you for all your "likes", mates!
10 May 2023, 10:14