Diorama with Hawker Typhoons
26 16 June 2022, 17:49

Joining the Hawker Typhoon club. My album went wrong so I have to show a remake
16 June 2022, 18:16

Lovely set up Erik ! Sqdn leader Demoulin's book is a very good read ! Guess some inspiration for your work came from it.
17 June 2022, 19:50

Now the fourth scene is complete too. All four squadrons of 123 Wing that were stationed on Ursel B67 in november 1944 are represented.
Thanks for your appreciation, mates; Gordon, it is not that little : 30 cm x 80 cm
21 June 2022, 07:55

Beautiful and intriguing diorama! So many details and so much going on.
21 June 2022, 08:34

Wonderful stuff Erik. A great diorama with a strong narrative. Great work. 👍
21 June 2022, 09:17
Album info
something has gone wrong with my album, so I remade it