Luna Gans Build
February 18, 2022Desk cleaned up and we are ready to rock and roll!2
February 18, 2022Bags of parts, decals, and some wires, springs, and cables3
February 18, 2022Nice smoked glass element4
February 18, 2022Bits and pieces5
February 18, 2022Sensor unit assembled but those rough seam lines will need to get rubbed out so it appears as one seamless form. This is the same form as here:
February 18, 2022Sensor unit before seam removal7
February 18, 2022Sensor unit before seam removal8
February 18, 2022Sensor unit before seam removal9
February 18, 2022Sensor unit before seam removal10
February 18, 2022Conducting a few paint color tests while the sensor unit dries. I'll be going with 1 part Vallejo Refractive Green to 1 part Vallejo Basalt Grey. This is going to be a very weathered build so it will get washed a lot in various dirty filters.11
February 18, 2022Sanding out seams first with 220 grit sandpaper12
February 18, 2022Filling in some gaps with Tamiya Putty Basic Type13
February 19, 2022Sanding out the putty and seams14
February 21, 2022Attaching little bits and pieces to the sensor tower...15
February 21, 202216
February 21, 2022Slopping on thinned Vallejo Model Color Sky Gray for a cloudy look. This is a base coat that will soon get grey-green on top17
February 21, 202218
February 21, 2022Now for a thinned out application of grey and green mixed together and rather slapped on to create this mottled look19
February 22, 2022Clipping, sanding, connecting, cleaning, and drying parts20
February 21, 2022Masking what will be a orange band21
February 23, 2022And decorative orange band painted!22
February 23, 2022Sample of a completed body paint job. Applied thick and liquid to give it that textured look23
February 23, 2022Rockets attached24
February 24, 2022Cavity of searchlight painted chrome with lens placed over. This departs from the directions that would have you cover it with a slotted cap but I prefer seeing the brightness of the shiny light!25
February 24, 2022Dirtying up the lens with some Tamiya Panel Line Accent Color Brown26
February 24, 2022Gas tanks attached27
February 26, 2022Transmission armor and part of the engine painted and assembled.28
February 28, 2022Engines attached and springs installed. Decals, too!29
February 28, 2022Too small to fill?30
February 28, 2022Nah.31
March 2, 2022Lots of clipping, sanding, priming, painting, detailing, varnishing, weathering32
March 2, 2022Detail of a shock painted grey then applied Molotow chrome pen to the spring and weathered with a black filter wash.33
March 2, 2022Legs attached and detailing in progress34
March 3, 202235
March 3, 202236
March 3, 202237
March 3, 202238
March 3, 202239
March 3, 202240
March 3, 202241
March 3, 202242
March 3, 2022
28 March 2025, 17:43 -