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Mirko Römer (MonoWyvern)

RAF Museum Hendon 2009


2 13 May 2021, 20:57
Björn Svedberg
Really nice photographs. Thanks for sharing! 👍
 14 May 2021, 03:04
Mirko Römer
Thanks Björn! Pictures were taken with a mobile phone, which were not as perfect like today.
 14 May 2021, 06:15
Łukasz Gliński
#129 - it's the Halifax, isn't it? Thx for sharing 👍
 14 May 2021, 08:54
Mirko Römer
Yes, it is. I'm really curious about visiting RAF Musuem Cosford one day, seeing a TSR2 ...
 14 May 2021, 09:21
Łukasz Gliński
You're still ahead of me, I managed only to visit Duxford. Cosford and Hendon are still on the list.
 14 May 2021, 09:30
Mirko Römer
1:1, never been to Duxford. At least I bought a dozen of original TSR.2 screws in Hendon. They'll be incorporated as weight in my long-range-shelf-flying Airfix model - one day 🙂
 14 May 2021, 09:52

Album info

Unfortunately we had to skip the Battle of Britain exhibition - no luck for Germans in London... 🙂

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