Scalemates Schwalbe Group build 2021Zobrazit: Prezentace Mozaika Seznam 1January 8, 2021 2January 8, 2021this kit has copyright 1982 on the bottom 3January 8, 2021testing the layout 4January 9, 2021beak and tail fixed, first layer of milliput 5January 12, 2021 6January 17, 2021 7January 17, 2021 8January 21, 2021canopy set up 9January 29, 2021proposed paintscheme ? 10January 30, 2021First coat of Luftwaffe Graublau. Area around canopy will need some corrections 11February 2, 2021beack, chest and bottom painted, needs some more details to be added 12February 7, 2021top view 13February 7, 2021side view 14February 7, 2021on his feet and with his teeth Komentáře30 January 2025, 18:16 - Album infoSchwalbe Egg PlaneSchwalbe Egg14 obrázky1:72DokončenoSestavení skupinyScalemates Schwalbe Group build 20211. Leden dokud 31. Prosinec 2021Všechna albaZobrazit všechna alba »