Brengun German Staff CarZobrazit: Prezentace Mozaika Seznam 1January 9, 2020 2January 9, 2020 3January 9, 2020 4January 9, 2020 Komentáře 1 9 January 2020, 16:24Thomas BischoffNo parts to be assembled - I added however the windows and drilled a hole for the lights and filled them with Kristal Klear 9 January 2020, 16:25Spanjaard👍 9 January 2020, 23:48Thomas Thow the heck did you cut these small windows ? 15 January 2020, 19:29Project infoBrengun German Staff Car4 obrázky1:144DokončenoVšechna albaZobrazit všechna alba »