B-25J "Wild Cargo"
April 29, 20192
April 29, 20193
April 29, 20194
April 29, 20195
April 29, 20196
April 29, 2019160209 B-25, added basic interior7
April 29, 2019160216 B-25s in the paint shop (little friend is 1/350 scale)8
April 29, 2019160216 B-25 in the paint shop9
April 29, 2019160216 B-25 in the paint shop10
April 29, 2019160217 Ballast is lead hammered into sheet and trimmed to fit beneath cockpit and in nose.11
April 29, 2019160220 B-25 with transparencies attached. Note green shade (Sharpie) and propeller blade improvement.12
April 29, 2019160221: I sprayed the camo colour on a sheet of cheap kitchen foil, then used Miscroscale Foil Adhesive to stick it to a sheet of wax paper. I then cut a template from yellow Tamiya tape that I had burnished against the embossed canopy frames to ensure the right curvature (necessary for the main horizontal frame above the windscreen). I cut the framing strip using two blades taped together to achieve a consistent width.13
April 29, 2019...applied the strip with tweezers and held the ends in place while gently burnishing with a toothpick. The adhesive was weak, but stuck. I had to touch up the paint with a fine brush, but that was relatively easy. Also, and to ensure adhesion, I sealed each frame strip with Future.14
April 29, 2019160221: Result is better (and easier) than masking the canopy.15
April 29, 2019160221: Forced perspective? (1/144 and 1/350 scales)16
April 29, 2019160222: Out for photos. (1/144 and 1/350 scales)17
April 29, 2019160222: Out for photos. (1/144 and 1/350 scales)18
April 29, 2019160222: Note canopy & nose framing19
April 29, 2019160222: Note canopy & nose framing20
April 29, 2019160223: Nose art was edited from photos of the prototype21
April 29, 2019160225: ...then touched up with a fine brush to blend the background color.22
April 29, 201923
April 29, 201924
April 29, 201925
April 29, 201926
April 29, 201927
April 29, 201928
April 29, 2019
29 April 2019, 04:15
Album info
Represents "Wild Cargo" at Military Aviation Museum in Pungo, Virginia Beach.
B-25J in 1/144 from old Revell/Minicraft kit.