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Christian Ristits (CR-Modellbau)

F-15C Eagle and F-16C Falcon 144th Fighter Wing Fresno


17 12 March 2019, 11:18
Christian Ristits Autor
Dear Mates, here is my latest projects...a pair of F-15C and F-16C of the 144th FW Air National Guard, California...hope you like it and enjoy the pics! Cheers, Christian
 12 March 2019, 11:25
Nathan Dempsey
Very nice builds there. I really like the shading on the F-16.
 12 March 2019, 12:11
Konrad -
Wow thats really nice Christian!!
5 Stars from my side 😉!
 12 March 2019, 13:43
Stefan Fraundorfer
I'm glad that you're back at the work bench Christian. And you present two great birds. I like them.
 12 March 2019, 15:15
Christian Ristits Autor
Many thanks for your nice comments, much appreciated!
 12 March 2019, 18:47
Daniel Klink
Very nice couple Christian 👍
 12 March 2019, 18:50
Stephan Ryll
Very nice builds Christian - very nice colours 👍
 12 March 2019, 19:00
Christian Ristits Autor
Danke Daniel und Stephan!
 13 March 2019, 07:28
Erik Leijdens
2 superb models Christian!
 13 March 2019, 07:54
Scott Dutton
Beautiful work on these stablemates
 13 March 2019, 15:52
Christian Ristits Autor
Thanks to you Erik and Scott!
 13 March 2019, 16:06
Christian Ristits Autor
A Short building report can be found on my blogg:
 13 March 2019, 16:06
Humpty Hays
Nice work Christian. The F-15E from Fresno is on my to build list. I think their tail art is classic and I live close to this base. The F-16's have been moved elsewhere, so they are no longer flying out of there.
 13 March 2019, 16:22
Scott Dutton
You are lucky to have that as your motivation. I'm near an unused base, but the museum is there so ocaassionly get the mustang and I enjoy that so your area must be an absolute thrill. Keep up good work.
 13 March 2019, 23:25
Michael Hickey
Sweet pair of Air Force Birds.👍
 14 March 2019, 08:22
Holger Kranich
Really nice, Christian!
 14 March 2019, 10:00
Soeren R.
Two fantastic looking planes Christian, but I didnt expect nothing less😉
 14 March 2019, 10:15
Christian Ristits Autor
Many thanks my Friends for your Motivating words!
 14 March 2019, 10:16
Daniel Mysak
Very nice double, really great work, specially the painting and weathering. 👍
 14 March 2019, 13:14
Christian Ristits Autor
Danke dir Daniel! Freut mich das sie dir gefallen!
 14 March 2019, 16:38
Daniel Mysak
Auf alle fälle, steh einfach viel mehr auf richtige Einsatzmaschinen als auf irgendwelche Sonderlackierungen.
 15 March 2019, 10:38
Christian Ristits Autor
Ja da bin ich bei dir 😉
 15 March 2019, 17:49
Thomas Bischoff
nice duo! The weathering is great!
 17 March 2019, 19:47
Christian Ristits Autor
Many Thanks Thomas!
 18 March 2019, 08:16
Did this kit come with any GBU's?
 14 December 2023, 18:57
Love the restrained weathering on both of them - not over the top, just right!
 24 March, 16:15

Project info

24 obrázky
1:48 F-16C [Block 25/32] Fighting Falcon (Tamiya 61101)1:48 F-15C MSIP II Eagle (Great Wall Hobby L4817)1:48 Elegant Eagles (Speed Hunter Graphics 48-003)1:48 F-16C/N Block 30/32 S.A. (Eduard FE452)1:48 F-16 Fighting Falcon - Pitot Tube & AOA Probes (Master AM-48-008)

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