[Heller] Citroen Mehari Walkthrough
January 7, 2019Cut the pipe2
January 7, 2019Hole the end of muffler before Cutting3
January 7, 2019Attach4
January 7, 2019Polishing5
January 7, 2019Cut the nob6
January 7, 2019Rebuild gear handle with paper clip and epoxy putty7
January 7, 2019Completed. but dot not glue yet8
January 7, 2019pre assembling before airbrushing9
January 7, 2019white surfacing10
January 7, 2019Racing White.11
January 7, 2019Masking head ramp with 'Mr.Hobby masking sol'12
January 7, 2019Coloring custom color13
January 7, 2019cute...14
January 7, 2019panel line accent working.15
January 7, 2019paint brushing16
January 7, 2019mounting engine. (you must pre assemble and check engine hood)17
January 7, 2019Attach18
January 7, 2019Masking Citroen Eblem19
January 7, 2019Not bad...20
January 7, 2019What the.... dashboard decal not include.21
January 7, 2019Glue seat support pole. (because too stiff)22
January 7, 2019Glues it up23
January 7, 2019I used Chrome Maker to the mirror area24
January 7, 2019maybe I think this is not decal. this is just 'vinyl'25
January 7, 2019Insert and glue gear handle26
January 7, 2019Glues pedal and steering wheel27
January 7, 2019Glues rear hatch28
January 7, 2019this is soft glue. It just sticky...29
January 7, 2019Attach winker30
January 7, 2019little hard work. you must sticky them all at once...31
January 7, 2019Attach rim. (too bad quality gate mark)32
January 7, 2019and Finaly, attach side mirror33
January 7, 2019Finish34
January 7, 2019Finish
1 7 January 2019, 18:18
Album info
Straight Build