Noratlas Israel
16 31 May 2018, 13:34
Wow, that's cool. Love the Heller kits. What sets did you use to get such a nice cockpit?
31 May 2018, 20:26
Thank you guys for all your interest and comments. I pepped up the cockpits with pieces of Eduards seat belts for Luftwaffe heavies, the radio equipment was improvised with parts from the spare box, selected and partially fitted to get a convincing impression. The closed up cockpit will allow a very shadowy sight of the wireless equipment -if any....😉
1 June 2018, 07:37
Thx Roland, I thought somebody decided to produce a PE fret for Noratlas 🙂
1 June 2018, 13:18
Enjoy building this one... Cockpit looks fantastic, assembling and sanding the hull will be a heap of work...
1 June 2018, 13:33
Thank you mates!
I managed to close up the fuselage of the first Noratlas by now. All the sub-assemblies of wings, tail or fuselage booms for both machines are assembled as well.
Fit is quite ok, so to speak. And the Nora is going to be not of the tiny sort; that´s for sure measuring the wingspan- oh yeah!😉
2 June 2018, 17:58
Thank you!
The one you can see assembled with closed doors will be an Israeli Noratlas -in bare metal, the other one is going to be a Bundeswehr Noratlas from LTG 62. This one will display full camouflage with white heat protection on the fuselage top.
I will show pictures of the planed examples in the next days.
4 June 2018, 19:47
Looking like a little whale the first Nora is ready for priming and painting. I have re-masked those clear parts which got damaged during sanding.
I have sanded down those raised panellines and will let them in this condition. I like their look and will rescribe only a few selected areas.
9 June 2018, 17:19
Looking good, curious to see what the raised panel lines will be looking like after all.
9 June 2018, 20:28
That´s freindly, Lukasz and Lode! Iam also keen to see that all "metalized"
11 June 2018, 08:28
Nice looking interior, Roland! Always amazes me how just good painting and a few details can totally transform an otherwise featureless cockpit...
11 June 2018, 18:55
think in using a metal bar inside the wings to reinforce, see picture nº 6 here
11 June 2018, 21:32
Thank you both for your kind comments! Vitor, your beautiful work on this kit is my reference to build the Noratlas since I did see it. I would recommend not only the lovers of the Noratlas to take a look at this inspiring project....
12 June 2018, 09:14
A little update: the Noratlas get´sslowly into form. Engine nacelles need further enhancements and corrections.
28 June 2018, 18:18
Lukasz, I had the same association 🙂
Thank you for your comments!
30 June 2018, 08:12
The engine nacelles offer some opportunities to a few refinements.... First the exhaust are non existent: on their place you will find some sort of humps. Happily they can be cut in a shape that comes near the true thing. See the pictures before and after 🙂
Another are the missing fan impeller, which are very prominent to see. In this respect they have to be added; I did this with tiny parts cut out plastic sheet.
25 July 2018, 19:03
Great work, Roland! You're a brave man, I would have walked away from that kit. But you will produce a masterpiece as we have seen in the past. 👍
25 July 2018, 20:33
Thank you guys for your very kind comments! Although aging it´s quite a kit with its merits, still very buildable. There are very delicate details of cooling vents for example and I like the raised panel lines. That is a good base to catch the sturdy appearance of the real thing, in my opinion.
26 July 2018, 11:47
A few more steps have been taken, to bring the first Nora to an happy end. It is rather difficult to get the perfection needed for Alclad on that heavily sanded surface. I used Alclads "White Aluminum" and shades of "Aluminum" and "Magnesium" to paint the surface.
The final appearance will be much more less clean as it looks now with a fresh coat of clear gloss over the metal paint.
30 July 2018, 18:15
Nice painting. It will be even better in the final phase. Engines details are fantastic! 👍
30 July 2018, 18:39
Excellent detail work on this scale, respect! I love this little assembly stand 👍
31 July 2018, 05:53
A few pictures of the exhaust stains and general "wear and tear" of the surfaces. Painting, so speaking, has been finished, except a few touches of the dry brush of course.
Next will be attaching of props, wheels, antennas and so on..... I am confident to come to an happy end within days 🙂
2 August 2018, 19:36
Thank you David and Cuajete! The exhausts gave been painted with a mixture of Gunze H72 brown and Gunzes H77 "tire black". First a base of blackened brown, then a light coat of tire black....
2 August 2018, 20:19
Thank you guys! Wheels and wheel covers have been attached, now on to the home straight! 🙂
3 August 2018, 12:07
Finished at last! I had the antennas from stretched sprue or made them with copper wire. Windscreen wiper have been added and the pitot tubes have been improved with the sharp ends of needles.
All in all this was a nice kit -and the second Nora should benefit from my experiences.
I hope you like the pictures- thank you all for your interest in this project!
5 August 2018, 15:37
Great looking Noratlas, Roland! Your models always turn out looking excellent!
5 August 2018, 16:00
Irre Ergebnisse bei der Sommerhitze - ist Dein Bastelzimmer klimatisiert :-o ???
5 August 2018, 17:39
Hello mates, thank you all for your encouraging and motivating comments! That´s really cool!
Oliver, my "kit-office" locates in the basement- thank god and the surrounding walls it´s quite cool 🙂
David, I am keen to get the BW-Nora a few steps further!
6 August 2018, 10:34
I like your choice of models, not the usual kits you see all the time! Great job!
8 August 2018, 12:23
Oh, you've dug up something really old! I remember the Heller kit as challenging but quite entertaining - well worth being build again. I'm glad you like the Noratlas - thanks for the feedback, Clement and Jennifer!
23 January 2024, 13:13
Like always an outstanding build, Roland! 👌👌👌 How did you make the cover of the instrument panel on picture 7 ?
23 January 2024, 13:26
Thank you very much! I can't remember exactly, but there are really only two possibilities: either a piece of painted Tamiya masking tape - which I like to do - or a thin metal foil, like you find as a seal on champagne bottles and the like. (Not that I always have a champagne bottle at the ready in the modelling workshop... ! 🙂
23 January 2024, 15:33