Viper progress
December 7, 2017Just test fit of remaining parts (upper and rear engine parts)2
December 7, 2017Biggest gap which will need to be filled. The rest of the parts should be ok.3
December 7, 2017guns cleaned and holes drilled4
December 5, 2017main body closed and I'm adding more parts one by one5
December 5, 2017The color of the cockpit is wrong (should be darker grey) but I will not change it now6
December 5, 2017finished cockpit7
April 9, 2018preparing for base coat8
April 9, 2018probably will need to sand the joint wing - fuselage9
April 9, 2018coming along very nicely10
April 17, 2018PE piping replaced with lead wire11
April 17, 2018same for the other side12
April 17, 2018canopy in place, seams looking good so far. Ready for a coat of primer 🙂13
April 17, 2018found two older picture of the finished cockpit ready to be glued to the fuselage14
April 17, 2018and the other side of the cockpit15
April 18, 2018Mr. Surfacer 1000 testing. I think that it went well16
April 18, 2018seam checking - all the filing and sanding was worth it17
April 18, 2018even the worst transition is quite nice in the end18
April 18, 2018similar to the other side.19
May 4, 2018white base and masked for the engine bits20
May 4, 201821
May 4, 2018Yes I know. The engine bits should be more like iron color but I like it so far.22
May 4, 2018engine with several different colors of MR Paint metallic colors23
May 4, 2018engine bits enhanced with Mr Color buffable Dark Iron24
May 4, 201825
May 4, 201826
May 4, 2018everything glued together and ready for decals27
May 4, 2018front decals were the worst the side are without any problems28
May 4, 201829
May 7, 2018all decals on place. ready for clear cote and wash30
May 7, 2018If I should do this kit again in the future - red stripes will be airbrushed instead of using decals. it was nightmare to work with the decals in some places.31
May 7, 2018but it looks nice in the end 🙂 I'm happy with the result32
May 7, 201833
May 9, 2018matt varnish sealed everything. spacecraft is officialy finished! 🙂34
May 9, 2018since this is my (counting in my mind...) third proper plastic model, I'm quite happy how it turned out. (yes there are mistakes I know but I do not care at this point. 🙂 )35
May 9, 2018now let's get the stand painted. Nice details on the front surface...36
May 9, 2018... from the inside??? ehm... what? anybody any ideas?37
May 14, 2018decals are in place. lower portion was painted MRP-153 Gold.38
May 14, 2018not perfect (some cleaning of the gold paint of the "Map" could be better...39
May 14, 2018only final coat of gloss and we are done 🙂40
May 15, 2018final gloss coat in place (Pledge Floor care)41
May 15, 2018I'm quite pleased with the result. This is my first real attempt for the gloss finish. Final photos coming soon.42
May 19, 2018final result (more pictures in the DONE gallery)
20 February 2025, 00:14 -
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