Spad VIIZobrazit: Prezentace Mozaika Seznam 1January 6, 2018Spad VII Barraca Italy 2January 6, 2018Spad VII Barraca Italy 3January 6, 2018Spad VII Barraca Italy 4January 6, 2018Belgian Spad VII Comète 5January 6, 2018Belgian Spad VII Comète Komentáře 1 5 February 2017, 16:24Tim HeimerNice! 6 January 2018, 13:08Erik De SmetThanks, Timothy, I have more Spads in the pipeline 7 January 2018, 14:54Album infofamous WW1 fighter biplane SPAD VII5 obrázky1:72DokončenoSPAD S.VII C.I Aéronautique Militaire Française (French Air Force 1909-1934)SPA 65 S1379 (Adj. Marcel Henriot)Varnished Linnen Všechna albaZobrazit všechna alba »