MPC C-130E Hercules
May 7, 2014cockpit with fore and aft bulkheads2
May 7, 2014fuselage halves with main gear wells3
May 7, 2014rudder and nose gear well attached under cockpit floor4
May 9, 2014horizontal stabs assembled5
June 12, 2014horizontal stabs added6
June 26, 2014cockpit installed in right fuselage half7
June 30, 2014cargo floor added8
July 6, 2014cockpit and cargo floor back in after adjustments made9
July 6, 2014starboard wing assembled10
July 6, 2014forward fuselage closed up with the help of epoxy for the nose11
July 7, 2014aft fuselage and rudder assembled12
July 7, 2014wings on13
July 9, 2014under side view with cargo ramp14
July 17, 2014horizontal stabs back on15
July 18, 201416
July 26, 2014seam work17
July 29, 2014continuing seam work18
August 5, 2014working on seams19
August 5, 2014upper wings and tail primed20
August 18, 2014continuing seam work21
August 27, 2014more seam work completed22
September 1, 2014my fix for a missing main wheel hub23
October 4, 2014continuing seam work24
October 30, 2014base color of MM Dark Tan airbrushed on25
October 30, 2014props airbrushed black26
November 6, 2014more paint of base coat27
December 9, 2014little bit of second color28
February 1, 201529
February 10, 201530
February 26, 2015bottom seam work31
February 26, 2015MM camo gray applied32
March 19, 2015props and nose painted33
March 26, 2015touching up the OD on top34
March 30, 201535
March 31, 201536
May 12, 2015gear up now37
May 15, 2015gear up under side test prime38
May 21, 2015bottom sprayed camo gray39
June 29, 2015more seam work and base color40
July 16, 2015top base color41
July 16, 2015bottom color42
July 18, 2015filling various door seams43
July 24, 2015shot some greens from leftovers with the F-444
August 3, 2015Working on top camo pattern45
August 4, 2015top camo almost done46
November 27, 201547
December 6, 2015paint touchups48
December 12, 201549
December 12, 201550
December 15, 2015more sanding51
December 25, 2015shortly after taking the last pic, disaster struck. This is the first shot of her undergoing repairs52
December 25, 2015all structure back together except cargo door53
December 25, 2015filling seams again54
December 29, 2015Acryl camo gray on most of the bottom55
January 10, 2016top glossed56
January 22, 2016aft bottom sprayed in camouflage gray57
January 23, 2016bottom glossed58
January 31, 2016decals going on59
January 31, 201660
February 4, 201661
February 4, 201662
February 6, 2016priming an under wing tank63
February 7, 2016all decals done64
February 13, 2016bottom clear flat65
February 13, 2016top side touchups66
March 5, 2016painted the other under wing tank67
March 8, 2016other wing tank on68
March 8, 201669
March 31, 2016part of canopy in and making windows70
April 2, 2016canopy all in, but with a sizable gap
18 February 2025, 20:39 -