Mountain Rescue Alouette IIIПреглед: Слайдшоу Мозайка Списък 1February 17, 2023Pieces of Hellers kit in a very strange light - almost transparent - blue, Brenguns PE set and some Whirly Bird bits destined for the interior. 2February 17, 2023Parts for the engine. 3February 17, 2023The Whirly Bird skis assembled and soldered. 4February 17, 2023That Whirly Bird piece looked way too coarse. 5February 17, 2023The tail guard was replaced by one made from brass wire as I didn't like neither the plastic nor the PE one. 6February 17, 2023Further details of the rotor head. Even at Brenguns PE set important pieces are missing. My spare box provided them. 7February 17, 2023 8February 19, 2023Lets put some color on. Quite happy with the blue-grey I was looking for. 9February 19, 2023Interior is black all over 10February 19, 2023 11February 19, 2023The first steps to color the engine. 12February 21, 2023I found the kits main gear too coarse and its detail too soft. So I decided to build it anew. 13March 7, 2023Not sure yet whether to use the sitting... 14March 7, 2023... or the kneeing guy. 15March 7, 2023So let's paint them both. I used brown instead of black as base. 16June 9, 2023After the highlights the orange looked too pale (left figure) so that I gave the guys a wash/filter with highly diluted red (right guy). 17June 9, 2023Hm. Somehow the pics do not show the effort that went into those figures. But that will have to do and they will populate the cockpit soon. 18July 9, 2023Started to build a little diorama for the chopper. It will land on a glacier with a crevasse. A box was build from Balsa wood. 19July 9, 2023Filling for the box 20July 9, 2023Next step will be to cut the crevasse into it. Коментари1 December 2024, 04:54 - Album infoHellers 1:72 Alouette III in a mountain rescue sceneMountain Rescue Alouette III20 снимки1:72В ходВсички албумиПреглед на всички албуми »