Fradge Isle - Flying Island Mk 1
1 16 May 2020, 13:15

That is such a fun and effective idea. I have a few models I could use this to display them.
16 May 2020, 14:27

Cheers Gareth ! 🙂
Glad you like it, I've uploaded some more pics including a couple with my scratch built hover bike on it,
I couldn't resist !! 😄
16 May 2020, 14:54

I am made this as a birthday gift for a neighbour and I gave it to them today 🙂
And they loved it which was nice 🙂
Glad I took lots of photos though, tempted to make a few more, maybe make a hanging mobile perhaps....
16 May 2020, 17:36

Cheers JD, glad you like it 🙂
I must confess though this was something of a test bed for a few things 🙂
16 May 2020, 19:12

How did I miss this? That is AWESOME! At first I thought... did Choppa get out a spade, carve out a bit of his back garden and call it a model? It looks very authentic, and I can think of a bunch of things I might try like this. Thanks so much for sharing.
17 May 2020, 00:43

Thank you kindly Greg and Torsten 🙂
Greg I look forward to what you come up with 🙂
17 May 2020, 10:26

As always, a most fertile mind and imagination. ! 👍
Most fascinating indeed. 🙂 👍
17 May 2020, 11:04

Nice of you to drop by Kerry, it's been a while 🙂
Glad you like it m'dude 🙂
17 May 2020, 14:46

Thanks Mike and Dominik, it pleases me that it pleases thee !! 🙂
17 May 2020, 18:04

Guys. Just take a tour through Choppa's albums he has posted here and remember to not let your lower jaw hit the floor too hard, as what you will see truly is mind blowing. 🙂 🙂 🙂 👍
17 May 2020, 22:24

Kerry, you are making me blush !!!!!
Dieter and Don, Thanks !! for not making me blush 😄 😄 😄
18 May 2020, 09:09

This is excellent...out of the box to use the cliché. Love the painting backdrop, would humbly suggest finishing the cardboard edge with a small frame or wrap the blue around the edge just to finish it. Truly this is an art piece
18 May 2020, 16:30

Cheers Scott, appreciated and I am glad you said that as I totally agree, it really needs framing,
in some way at least ... I thought about it the time but I had a really tight deadline as this was a gift for a neighbours birthday last Saturday but yes, on future builds of this nature that is something I will attend to 🙂
One variation on this theme I have been thinking about is to use a clear piece of perspex and paint the backdrop with semi transparent paints and either mount it on a light box or put it in a window so you don't shadows from the tree on the sky which kind of looks weird to me, another one is to make a hanging mobile of a few of them together 🙂
18 May 2020, 18:49

Very cool idea, love your train of thought. OCD and I hang up on something silly like an edge
19 May 2020, 04:41

Haha, edges are important for they are what defines the shapes of things and in anything resembling an artistic endeavor nothing could be more important😉 😄 😄 😄
19 May 2020, 09:36

My liked one of the photos so much she wants to print it out and and frame it for her wall so I said let me make a proper poster of it and use photoshop to edit out the background which turned out to be a very fiddly job to do and took all day !!
Sods law she prefers the original photo still... ah well, so I thought I might as well add the poster here 🙂
Btw, that's me at 2200 feet above a local flying site in the background, twas a good day 🙂
19 May 2020, 10:14

Ok... new suggestion. Build another one, but this time get a magnetic base and really have it free floating. I tried to scrimp on the cost and bought a "all assembly required" kit that I'm still fighting with (we're on a truce), but the concept is sound...😉
19 May 2020, 11:34

haha, well if we're going all in let's go for one of those cryogenicaly cooled super conductive magnets that lock in place in the air !! 😄
I do have a chunky magnet though from a Revell kit of 1/72 of a Fokker Triplane that floated using a magnet inside but it need thin guiding wires and not hugely stable but that might be able to do it if the island was light enough ......
Could always go for the helium balloon version instead ? 😄
19 May 2020, 12:12

The last pic looks really awesome! It reminds me of one of the paintings by Roger Dean / Magnetic Storm...
19 May 2020, 13:57

Cheers Dominik and Dieter 🙂
Dieter funny you should mention Roger Dean as he was an early inspiration of mine, had a few of his books, It was a cross between his work and Studio Ghibli that I had in the back of my mind when I conceived this model 🙂
Greg that is very cool indeed !!!
How is it so stable ?
How do I make one ?
Can I make one that doesn't need plugging in ?
I am going to have to do some research as I need to make one !! 😄
19 May 2020, 18:48

You have to have it plugged in. It uses a sensor array that detects magnetic fields (x,y,z axis) and then sends a current to an electromagnet to compensate. There's a law of magnets that means it's physically impossible to place an object in stasis, but this set up is basically pulling and pushing the magnets too subtly for us to notice, giving the illusion of stability.
You can, apparently, build one yourself (check out, but you can order all the parts off eBay for about $25 as a diy Kit. I haven't been able to get mine to work yet, but the battle isn't over. It's just resting on the shelf waiting for me to work up the energy for round two.😉
The problem is I know it SHOULD work...😉
19 May 2020, 22:22

there is one kit of an F18 in 1/144 with the magnet included... i think it simply has a couple of strings to keep it in place
F/A-18 D Hornet (Revell 09101, 1:144)
somebody has the build here, actually
F-18 D der VMFA(AW)-225 VIKINGS | Album by Tacklebarry (1:144)
19 May 2020, 22:25

Greg, gotta say I realllllly want one ........ that works, not sure I can be asked with the kit version though, a lot of faff but if I can get hold of one that works with a few of those discs so I float several models etc. 🙂
Spanjaard I've already got one of those big magnets from the Fokker Dr1 version of that kit all I need now is the magnet to go in the plane, I was intending use it on a snow speeder and disguise the magnet as a foot from an ATAT 🙂
20 May 2020, 17:07

that will be really cool Choppa. a hard one to pull off, but worth any effort 🙂
20 May 2020, 18:10

Yeah apparently these Revell Magnetic models are quite tricky to get the line lengths just right as there are three to do but if I can find the a magnet strong enough to put in the Snow Speeder it shouldn't be too bad, there's a fair bit of room in the 1/50th Revell version, might need to scrape off some weight and thin the walls some but not impossible 🙂
20 May 2020, 20:32

Choppa, if you want magnet, i suggest you visit they seem to have all possible sizes up to some insane ones...
21 May 2020, 17:24

Spanjaard, cheers for the link, one to peruse when I am ready for the Snowspeeder !! 😄
Frank and Dominik, thanks kindly !! 🙂
Chaz I really don't who or what Ekraan, Na'vi Warrior or Oma t'kaya are ! 🙂
but they do have interesting names😉
Kerry, I think the principals behind how UFO's works is the Hand Wavium principal. . .
otherwise known as creative license by most writers of fiction 😄 😄 😄
21 May 2020, 20:06

Figured perhaps Avatar was an influence on your floating island:
21 May 2020, 20:11

ah yes of course, I enjoyed the movie but I couldn't remember any of the characters names ! 🙂
I think my influences were from the artworks of Roger Dean and Studio Ghibli 🙂
21 May 2020, 20:19

It needs building but I am feeling that I really ought to work my through my current crop of neglected kits and builds first 🙂 😄
22 May 2020, 09:05

Cheers Es, much appreciated 🙂
anyhow, how's things ?
still making those excellent custom PE sets ? 🙂
22 May 2020, 17:07

Thank you so much Choppa! Not at the best condition, but still alive! Haha
How are you?
I still make PE's and even decals! 😄
See my website: 🙂
22 May 2020, 17:40

Heavenly.....georgeous, beautiful, and absolute unique.. Like it a lot Choppa 👍
22 May 2020, 17:49

Thanks a lot Daniel, glad you like it ! 🙂
Es,glad to hear you're still doing ok 🙂
23 May 2020, 10:44
Album info
Fradge Isle, a place of delicate sensibilities ! 🙂
.. a flight of fancy if you will . . . .
A three day build made from things you would throw away and stuff found in the garden as a birthday gift for a neighbour and as a test bed for a few ideas..
some of which didn't work . . . but it has been educational ! 🙂