McDonnell Douglas F-15C with ASATПреглед: Слайдшоу Мозайка Списък 1February 23, 2017vertical tails added and primed 2February 23, 2017burner cans added 3March 17, 2017aft top portion sprayed light ghost grey 4March 17, 2017bottom and nose done 5March 23, 2017wheel wells and intakes sprayed white 6March 23, 2017dark ghost gray over the light ghost gray 7March 31, 2017nose glossed 8April 4, 2017starting decals 9April 12, 2017 10April 23, 2017more decals 11June 13, 2017wheels and struts on 12June 13, 2017on wheels 13June 18, 2017vacuform canopy 14July 4, 2017right side decals 15July 4, 2017starting stenciling 16July 4, 2017more stenciling decals 17July 6, 2017Working on ASAT 18July 14, 2017ASAT missile completed 19July 14, 2017ASAT missile mounted on aircraft 20July 15, 2017vacuform canopy installed 21July 25, 2017aft canopy framed masked and painted 22July 25, 2017masking off aft canopy frame 23September 19, 2017 24October 2, 2017 25October 13, 2017 26October 20, 2017 27November 25, 2017right side final 28November 25, 2017left side final 29November 25, 2017bottom final 30November 25, 2017on the shelf Коментари 1 21 February 2017, 19:41Igor ZdorovyakDifficult task. Build a copy of the aircraft, which was not. All ASAT program was worked out on the 15A version. 23 February 2017, 18:13Ed Hubbart АвторThat's what I thought too. Not too worried about it though. 23 February 2017, 20:53Igor Zdorovyak Some manufacturers models poorly in school. 24 February 2017, 05:21EkkiI'll be following this. 17 March 2017, 19:38Patrick HagelsteinIt's coming along nicely Ed! 6 July 2017, 09:01EkkiIndeed it is. 25 July 2017, 17:42Project infoMcDonnell Douglas F-15C Eagle30 снимки1:72ЗавършенВсички албумиПреглед на всички албуми »