World War 2.1 Concepts and Builds :)
Album info
Ideas for Sci Fi Scratch & Bash model kits in to something novel and creative 🙂
Genessis Models Sci Fi GB triple combo entry -> genessis-models.webs..62653?pid=1292739317
Kugel Spatz Gun Bike 1/20 Final Reveal ->
Buffalo Hawk Aero Cannon 1/72 Final Reveal ->
Iron Wulf Spinne Kannone 1/48 Final Reveal ->
Video demonstrating the articulating components on the Kugel Spatz and Iron Wulf, sorry about the quality as I used my phone to do the filming for a simple practical reason, the focusing is less fussy even thought the quality isn't as good as my better camera plus it was easier to mount on the light stand to do the filimg anyhow..
Youtube Video